Overview: Cool But Useless R Packages at ResBazQlD.
Questions: Network stability, RMarkdown, images, plotly, Correlations

November 22, 2023

2023-11-22: UQRUG 44

R Overview of the Month

This month at UQRUG, for the special ResBazQld edition, Nick will be providing an overview of some Cool but Useless ways we can use R. From creating emoji art, to using memes in ggplot2, to playing sounds when our code is complete.


Add your name, where you’re from, and why you’re here:

Name Where are you from? What brings you here?
Nicholas Wiggins Library Here to help!
Bel QAEHS To learn cool things.
Cameron West UQ Library & SMP To learn!
Jocelyn Hume UQCCR Still Learning
Felicity Charles UQ Gatton To learn
Souhayel Hedfi UQ Herston To learn fun stuff too!
Thomas Boissiere-O’Neill CHRC Learn fun stuff
Pradeepa Korale-Gedara QAAFI learn and help if I can
Brittany Elliott Griffith Uni To learn
Valentina Urrutia Guada UQ Library Here to learn and help
Noah Rose UQ Learn
Adriano Fossati QUT Curiosity
Tanya Dodgen QUT Curiosity
eden hurn UniSQ Work and Research
Kate Osborne UniSQ Learn
Michaela Griffith Learn
Mikesh UQ love the RUG
Catherine Kim QUT UQRUG is the best!


Q1 - How to measure the stability of a network - Pradeepa

I am developing a time-series network in R. Network is developed based on the correlation coefficient. R Package called ts2net

Answers * Cat: Might have a link to share that could help with this

This is a time series workshop that UQ Library put together: https://qaehs-lib-rtimeseries2022.netlify.app/

Pradeepa,if your question is about neural networks: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/stablelearner/stablelearner.pdf

Q2 - Pros and cons of using R markdown versus word to write journal articles? - Noah

Any extra details

Answers Can use Zotero plugged into R to do in-text citations. Unsure if you can use EndNote or Mendeley for the same purposes.

R-Ladies Brisbane YouTube video

Pro: * Have your code and text in the same document. * Markdown could be better for formulas with latex. * Can do citations in Rmd with Zotero - need a plugin (betterbibtex?) for Zotero to make unique IDs for each citation. * Can export the one document to .docx, .pdf, .html (for slides or as a website)

Con: * May have to export to word anyway depending on what the journal accepts. * Non-programmers would struggle (if collaborating). * Can be fiddly.

Semi-related, unofficial UQ thesis template for Rmarkdown: https://github.com/gsiemon/UQThesis Antique Article 2014: https://archive.blogs.harvard.edu/pamphlet/2014/08/29/switching-to-markdown-for-scholarly-article-production/

Q3 - Are there packages that allow you to put your own images in R? - edenn subset the data I Answers**

  • Jocelyn: I just stumbled upon rsvg and ggsvg to add svg images into a ggplot. Also magick package.
  • Nick: ggimage works just like ggdogs
#### Q4 - How to reduce loading time for large plotly graph? - Jocelyn I have created some plotly graphs that have a lot of data points and takes a long time to load. Is there a function that I can use so that R is a repeated measurement? Or say to R the Period and Animals they are the experimental unit?

Q5 - Correlations in R? - Eden

Any extra details

**Aneed into plotly