Overview: 2 years of R news overview + drop in session
Questions: debugging; large datasets; complex time-based recoding

August 28, 2024

Topic: 2 years of RStats news

On 2024-08-28, Stéphane highlighted what attracted his attention from the two last years of RStats news.

See the recording on YouTube.


Add your name, where you’re from, and why you’re here:

Name Where are you from? What brings you here?
Stéphane Guillou Library Here to present and help
Luke Gaiter Library Here to help
Yuhang Deng EAIT Here to learn
Abhishek Bhattacharjee EAIT Here to learn
Peta Cridland School of Psychology Here to learn and for some advice on a roadblock i’ve hit in my data sorting


If there is an error with conditions or code in Rstudio, to fix the error do we need to run all the code again like how Python does?

  • Alt + Ctrl + P: run everything up to current line
  • Start with the first error, then move to next one

  • “One-way street”: to work cleanly, and check that everything works, start a new session and run the whole script from top to bottom

Efficiency with large tables?

  • polars in python

  • Try using purrr in the tidyverse, or data.table, or search for “sparse matrix”