Overview: Creating CVs in R with vitae and RMarkdown.
Questions: ggplotly bumpchart, loading packages, statistics, heatmap help, tibble column headings.

January 31, 2024

2024-01-31: UQRUG 46

R Overview of the Month

This month at UQRUG, Nick will be going over how to create a csv data-driven CV/Resume using the vitae, rmarkdown, and tinytex packages.


Add your name, where you’re from, and why you’re here:

Name Where are you from? What brings you here?
Nicholas Wiggins UQ Library Here to help!
Jocelyn Hume UQCCR Enjoying using R
Pia Wohland SENV Learning more about R
Rio Button SENV Wanting to get comfy with R
Jessica Hintzsche QAAFI You can’t get rid of me
Christina Maxwell School of Psychology Here to learn
Kiara Minto Poche Learn more R skills - social media scraping and webpage design especially
Cameron West UQ Library / SMP Here to learn and help!
Zoe MacLean HASS research assistant Just haven’t been by in a while!
Pradeepa Korale-Gedara Postdoctoral Research Fellow to learn and help
Danelle Kenny CHSR Still learning R
Jovenal Gama Pinto Brisbane Learn R
David Green UQ RCC Here to learn and help- win win
Christopher Sexton Poche Build on R skills and learn new packages.
Chantelle Derez SEES Increasing R skills
Monika Walia PhD student at ISSR, UQ keen to learn more about R :)
Ana Batallas PhD student, QBI want to learn coding
Sy Mao PhD student, QAAFI need help with creating figures with R
Ayu Paramecwari PhD Student, PFSC (Psychology) Need to start learning R as my PhD team will use R for quantitative stats :)


Q1 - Pia - ggplotly bumpchart

Just in case someone has come accross this problem and found a solution. I created a bump chart which looks fine, but if I uses ggplotly the left align text becomes central. Anybody know how is there a way to left align the text again within ggploty?

Answers * There might be a way using plotly layouts, but we will have to do some digging for this. * https://plotly.com/r/reference/layout/ * Alternatively, you may be better off creating the chart in plotly from the start… though this requires learning plotly.

Q2 - Jocelyn - There are certain packages that I use all the time, is there a way to load these packages by default in R Studio?

Any extra details


  • David - Create a text file that has a list of all the packages you want to run at the start of each script you use.

  • source(file_containing_library()_commands)

  • Cameron - I like David’s answer because it’s not as hard-coded, but you can do it by adjusting your Rprofile.site file.

    1. Navigate to your R home directory (where R, not RStudio, is stored). You can find this by running R.home()
    2. Inside this directory, navigate to /R-4.x.x/etc/RProfile.site, open this file (you can use RStudio)
    3. Insert the lines library(package) for each package you want to import as per normal.

    Alternatively, you can use R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES = 'package1, package2, package3, ...' inside this Rprofile.site file to specify all the default packages you want, but it will override the normal defaults, meaning they won’t be imported unless you specify them too.

    Personally, I think David’s solution is better.

Q3 - DavidG - Comment about how pandoc does its thing

This diagram and paragraph explains what happens while knitr is rendering https://swcarpentry.github.io/r-novice-gapminder/15-knitr-markdown.html#how-things-get-compiled


Q4 - Renna - I need to analyse data statistically across different factors/categories in the specific columns. I am still new to using R, so I can proceed that one by one. How can I do it by using for loop? Sorry for the trivial question :D

Any extra details


Set up a loop with parameters similar to what is below

for (i in c("t1", "t2", "t3")) {


You would need to assign the output of this to a dataframe

Q5 - Sy - Question: How to get rid of gridlines of uneven thickness in a heatmap?

ggplot2 heatmap has large gridlines on the left and thin ones on the right.


There seems to be something weird happening when the image is exported. Something to explore later.

Q6 - Danelle - Question: I’m combining dataframes using tidy and the tibble is populating normally, but writing to excel loses the column headings. I’ve tried header=TRUE and that didn’t help. Any idea how to retain column headings from tibble to excel?

Any extra details
