Overview: Using quarto and revealjs to create presentations with R markdown.
Questions: learning about knitr, combining shiny with quarto, fixing OneDrive breaking R, cmdstanr, brms

July 26, 2023

2023-07-26: UQRUG 40

R Overview of the Month

Nick will be providing an overview on creating HTML based presentations in R with Quarto and reveal.js

Find more details and the slides here: https://uqrug.netlify.app/posts/2023-07-26-july-q-pres/


Add your name, where you’re from, and why you’re here:

Name Where are you from? What brings you here?
Nicholas Wiggins Library Here to help!
Mikesh Patel QCMHR Learning R
Raul Riesco ACE Learning/helping
Ryan SOE Learning
Luke Gaiter Library Here to help!
Rene Erhardt PACE learning
Trinh Huynh USC learning
Danelle Kenny CHSR checking in and trying new things
Pia Wohland SENV Checking in
Jaimee Wheelhouse Very new to R
Graeme Mattison TPCH Learning R!
Fran Powell SVS Need some help
Jocelyn Hume UQCCR Still learning
David Green UQ RCC learning/helping … R on HPC and Shiny
Anne-Claire Bouton SOE Learning
Windy SENV Still learning
Valentina Urrutia Guada Library Here to help!
Gerry Katai new to R learning


Q1 - Learning more about knitr - Trinh Huynh

I haven’t worked with R markdown and I would like to learn from beginning- Trinh Huynh


Q2 - knit Shiny/plotly objects to local html - Mikesh

Solutions for saving Rmarkdown files with shiny objects locally (no server)? Want to allow someone without R installed on their computer, access the interactive html file. maybe todays session?…


  • Nick - I haven’t tried combining shiny and quarto, as Shiny will always need that Shiny server running, so I try to stick to HTML related dependencies.
  • If you want to have a quarto website or presentation, you can easily publish them to a variety of free sites such as GitHub Pages, Netlify, or Quarto Pub:
  • @Mikesh When you are thinking about this data access question again, please reach out to me via rcc-support@uq.edu.au

Q3 - How to get cmdstanr working - Fran

When I run cmdstan R, I get a make error.

Error in `(function (command = NULL, args = character(), error_on_status = TRUE, …`:
! System command 'make' failed
Exit status: 2
make: *** /c/Users/uqfpowe1/OneDrive: Is a directory.  Stop.


  • We spent a while working on this one. Eventually David, Valentina, Nick, and Fran managed to get it working.
  • The issue appears to be that cmdstanr is for some reason pointing at the OneDrive, rather than the local C: drive
  • We tried changing the standard working directory, but this did not work
  • We also pulled everything off of OneDrive that was associated with R and cmdstanr, but it still wasn’t working
  • David got us to open the makefile command file inside the cmdstanr installation folder and we found that it was hard coded to run from the $HOME directory.
  • This is apparently different to the working directory. We found that we could check what this was with the following code:
    • Sys.getenv("HOME")
  • We were able to change this with the following code:
    • Sys.setenv(HOME="C:/Users/MyName/Documents")
  • We then had the code working.