terraOptions(tempdir = "path to somewhere with lots of space")
as.points() # instead of rasterToPoints()
2022-03-30: UQRUG 25
- Steph (Library): helping out!
- Vicki Martin: Postdoc, SEES
- Nisa Abeysinghe
- Richard Bell: PhD, POLSIS
- Chris Mancini: HDR - MPhil, School of Civil Engineering
- … and 6 more UQRUGers!
Topics discussed and code
Big raster files
Use terra instead of raster, and use a temporary directory:
The Research Computing Centre can also provide access to supercomputers
Patchwork for joining plots made with ggforestplot
To merge two plots with the same y-axis. After creating Forest plot 1 (with y-axis labels), create Forest plot 2 with y-axis labels removed:
F2plot forestplot(
df = F2,
name = term,
estimate = estimate,
se = std.error,
pvalue = p.value,
psignif = 0.05,
title = "Plot 2",
xlab = "estimate",
ylab = element_text(family = "", size = 10)
)theme(axis.text.y = element_blank())
Or try replacing text in ylab (above) to ylab = “”
Then merge the plots:
/ F2plot F1plot
Slow check_model()
in performance package: weird behaviour in R Markdown, takes too long to execute. Richard might come back later with the answer!